qi sun profile

Qi Sun


qisun [AT] nyu [DOT] edu | qisun0 [AT] gmail [DOT] com


[Curriculum Vitae] | [Google Scholar]

Qi Sun is an assistant professor at New York University. Before joining NYU, he was a research scientist at Adobe Research. He received his PhD at Stony Brook University. His research interests lie in VR/AR, perceptual computer graphics, display, and computational cognition. He is a recipient of the IEEE Virtual Reality Best Dissertation Award. With colleagues, his research has been recognized as several best paper and honorable mention awards at ACM SIGGRAPH, IEEE ISMAR, IEEE VR, and IEEE VIS.

Prospective students. I always actively recruit research interns, PhD students, and postdoctoral researchers. We are particularly interested in candidates with backgrounds in neural rendering, generative models. Please visit my group website for our research: www.immersivecomputinglab.org
Postdoctoral/visiting applicants: contact me with your resume.
PhD applicants: you are always welcome to apply to Tandon CSE program and list me as a potential advisor: I will be able to see your package. Generally, we prefer a pre-application research collaboration.


New York University
Assistant Professor, Tandon School of Engineering
Adobe Research
Research Scientist